
Batting and Fielding Averages.

Below are given the batting and fielding averages of the nine for the season:



Player. P.O. A. E. cent.

Davis, 58 12 0 1000


Sears, 2 0 0 1000

Reid, 153 33 3 984

Foster, 138 21 7 958

Rand, 41 4 3 938

McCornick, 99 10 8 932

Chandler, 9 12 2 913

Hayes, 4 26 3 909

Fitz, 5 23 3 903

Haughton, 70 66 15 901

Lewis, 17 0 2 895

Burgess, 36 2 5 884

Lynch, 13 2 2 882

Cozzens, 10 10 3 870

Robinson, 11 20 6 861

Loughlin, 41 61 21 829

Clark, 7 17 6 800

Morse, 1 6 3 700



Player. A.B. B.H. cent.

Rand, 66 33 500

Sears, 10 5 500

Haughton, 93 34 366

Reid, 76 24 316

Lewis, 10 3 300

Cozzens, 34 10 294

Robinson, 42 12 286

Burgess, 92 26 282

Loughlin, 101 28 277

McCornick, 76 20 263

Hayes, 26 6 231

Foster, 61 14 230

Fitz, 27 6 222

Davis, 18 4 222

Clark, 35 7 200

Lynch, 46 9 196

Chandler, 20 3 150
