You can save yourself lots of trouble during your vacation by getting your hair trimmed at Griffith's, 7 Brattle St., Harvard Square, the hair cutting specialists. You can brush it so much easier when it is trimmed in a scientific way. All his six men whom he employs are trained artistic hair cutters. Get Griffiths to hone your razor; 7 Brattle street, Harvard square.
TYPEWRITING, W. E. Weaver '98, 44 College House
TUTORING in entrance Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
C. ROYCE, 103 Irving Street.97 2
A German-American exhibition of gymnastics and athletics with singing by various glee clubs will be held on Friday, June 17, from 2.30 to 10 p. m., at the Riverside Recreation Grounds. First prizes in silver, and second prizes in bronze. The programme includes: Competition on horizontal bar, parallel bars, side-horse, club swinging by women, iron wand exercises, and the usual events in track athletics and field sports. There will also be a hurling ball game.
In the evening the grounds will be finely illuminated and there will be singing by American and German clubs and varied gymnastic exhibitions. Fine sport is promised in the water events, including as they do, tub-racing, tilting, riding the keg, etc.
HARVARD MEN, with the expenditure of a little energy in an entirely selfrespecting way, can pay next year's college expenses with Money Earned During Vacation. For particulars address, Dentacura Co., Montclair, N. J.
HILTON BLOCK.- Rooms for next year. Shower bath on every floor. New plumbing throughout. All rooms have been renovated-entirely repainted, repapered and new woodwork. Prices reduced. Apply J. M. Hilton, 3 Linden street. 87
'98 ALBUM.- Students leaving Cambridge soon can have their copies delivered immediately, by dropping me a postal.
W. E. WEAVER, College House 44.95 2
GEO. T. MOFFATT, Stenographer. Typewriting and Manifolding. Crimson office.
A perfectly new Washburn banjo for sale very cheap. This is a great bargain and anyone wishing to secure such an instrument would do well to call at Briggs and Briggs Music Store.
PARK THEATRE, Eugene Tompkins Lessee and Manager.- Baseball by Automaton players every afternoon the Bostons play away from home. Smoking allowed. Admission 25 cents.
STUDENTS.- Buy and Sell your College Text Books at the Harvard Book Store, 33 Brattle St. 1tf
STUDENTS' ROOMS, Post Office Building, Boylston street, leading from Harvard Square to Soldiers Field, the Boat Houses and the Park; very central. Suites of Parlor and two Bed-rooms, Parlor and Single Room, and Single Rooms. Bath Rooms, hot and cold water. Steam Heat just put in each room of this building. Prices very moderate. Apply to Janitor or to C. C. Read, 31 State St., Boston.
TUTORING.- English A and 2; Italian I; Spanish I; French A, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2c, 6 and 6c; German A, B, C, 1a, 1b.
M. LEN. KING, A. B., 1 College House.92 5
COLLEGE men can make $100 perweek on "Gen. Fitzhugh Lee's Book on Cuba." The most timely and popular work of the year. New England Newspaper Syndicate, 156 Tremont Street, Boston. 97 3
DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. S. J. Chandler's meets at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday nights. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, 290 Harvard street, corner of Clinton street. 2 tf
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