Last winter the CRIMSON published an article on the Yale Wigwam, a new debating society with a limited membership which was to be divided into two sections. These sections were to hold meetings of a more or less social nature by themselves and were to meet occasionally in intersection debates. The following quotations are from an article in the Yale News reviewing the work of the first season:
"Nothing goes more to show the success of the society than the uniformly good attendance at the bi-weekly meetings. During the past season the Alpha Camp has won six and the Omega Camp four of the debates. By the constitution of the club, therefore, Omega was required to give the winning camp the banquet which took place at Morris Cove Hotel last evening.
"The past season of the wigwam has shown conclusively that debating can be made a success when linked with social intercourse and when the subjects are confined more to college topics than are those of the other debating societies.
"The lateness in the formation of the wigwam this year made it impossible for the club to make the headway it desired, but next year plans have been made to start the club in running order with the first beginning of the college year.
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