

Second Game Against U. of P. Played on Soldiers this Afternoon.

The 'Varsity nine will play its second game with the University of Pennsylvania, this afternoon on Soldiers Field. The game will be called at 3 o'clock. Pennsylvania won the first game by the score of 3 to 2 in the tenth inning. This afternoon the Harvard nine will be weakened by the loss of Rand. As McCornick will probably be unable to play on account of illness, Chandler will again play in right field.

The Pennsylvania nine has proved itself to be one of the best of this year's college teams. It has been defeated but once this year, by Manhattan, and has succeeded in defeating Brown, Cornell and Harvard. Both Dickson and Brown are strong pitchers and are in great part responsible for Pennsylvania's victories.

The probable batting order is as follows:

Harvard. Pennsyivania.

Laughlin, s. s. c. f., Huston.


Burgess, c. f. r. f., Frazier.

Haughton, 2b. s. s., Wilhelm.

Reid, c. 2b., Jackson.

Robinson, 3b. 1b., Cheney.

Lynch, l. f. c., Gillender.

Foster, 1b. 3b., Robinson.

McCornick (Chandler), r. f. lf., Coombs.

Hayes or Fitz, p. p., Dickson or Brown.

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