
The '98 Class Album.

The '98 Class Album, copies of which will be on exhibition today in the window of the CRIMSON office, is by far the most inclusive yet published, and the most satisfactory in every way. The general plan of the old Portfolio has been followed but the Album is at least one-fourth larger, as it contains records of all the important student societies, giving lists of the '98 members, and, moreover, has complete athletic records of the 'Varsity teams for the four college years of the class, and those of the '98 Freshman teams. Nine buildings have been added, including practically all important University buildings. Another new feature is a group picture of President Eliot surrounded by the deans of the eight divisions of the University. Twenty-five pictures have been added to the list of instructors, the arrangement followed being that of professors, assistant professors, and instructors.

In addition to the usual pictures of Class Day Officers, Commencement Speakers, 'Varsity and Senior athletic teams, groups of the editors of all the student publications are given, and the musical clubs, the Debating Club and intercollegiate debaters, and the four undergraduate theatricals are also represented by groups.

It will be remembered that the '98 Photograph Committee determined to get out an official Class Album instead of the old unofficial Portfolio, and placed the preparation of the Album in the hands of W. E. Weaver '98. The Album has been printed by the Crimson Printing Co., and will be handled by direct subscription.
