
Official Notice.

ENGLISH C.- Late forensics will be returned in Sever 10 today from 3 to 5.

COMMENCEMENT PARTS.- Unsuccessful applicants for Commencement Parts may have their manuscripts by calling at U. 4.

ENGLISH 6.- Group picture on Monday at 1, back of Sever. Special invitation to the instructors.

HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY.- Students who leave Cambridge for the Vacation must first return all books borrowed from the Library.

ENGLISH BC.- Seniors may obtain their manuscripts at 18 Little's Block, Friday and Saturday, from ten till one.


MEMBERS of the class of '98 who took English C before their Senior year may obtain their forensics at Sever 10 on Friday, June 10, 2.30-5 p. m.

NOTICE TO SENIORS.- English A: Members of this course during the academic year 1894-95 may obtain their themes in Sever 1. Among the themes are those of men who left college early, of men who have gone to the war, and of men who have died. I shall esteem it a favor if friends of these men will see that their themes reach the hands of those to whom they should go.

B. S. HURLBUT.ENGLISH B, English 22, Section II.- Themes written in the year 1895-96 will be returned to Seniors at 18 Grays Hall today and tomorrow, 9-10 a. m. Themes not called for on those days will be destroyed.

MATH. 2.- Mr. Ashton will be in Sever 24, today, 9-11.

ENGLISH 6.- On Friday and Saturday mornings, from 9.30-1, I shall be at Little's 7 to confer with any members of the course who may wish to see me regarding their year's work.

H. L. PRESCOTT.RIFLE PRACTICE.- Members of the battalion who have not fired the full number of rounds are requested to do so as soon as possible. The range will be open every day except Sunday from 1.30 to 4.30 p. m. The re-loaded cartridges are now available. They are better than the old ones and cost fifteen cents for ten rounds.

