The current Advocate contains three stories of especial merit, "The Prophecy of St. Peter," by C. S. Harper, 3S., "On the Way to the Club," and "Kelley's Scoop," by J. B. Holden, Jr., '99. The first is a tale of a mining town and draws several unusually vivid characters, notably that of the hero, Peter. The plot is interesting from the first and the local color carefully given. It is stories of this type that are most valuable in college papers, for they strike out in original pathos and require the gift of narration in a large degree to be even fairly successful. "On the Way to the Club" is also original, and, though less pretentious, succeeds in its object. The third story, "Kelley's Scoop" is an account of how a sharp reporter outwitted the newspapers and the police and made a name for himself out of nothing. The first editorial defends the college from the position in which the editorial in the May Monthly has placed it, and the second deals with proper perspective in writing of a past event or scene. The poetry is much the same as usual; the poem by C. S. Harper, "Evening," deserves perhaps special notice.
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