

First Round of the Scrub Series Over.- Final Ranking of Nines.

The finals in the Leiter cup series will begin tomorrow. Each team was originally supposed to play five games. But a week of rain cansed a delay in the beginning of the series, and it has now had to be changed in order that the series may be concluded, and the class games played before the final examinations begin.

The original plan provided that the leading team form each section and at least one other team having the next best record should be selected to play in the final series. Accordingly the following four teams have been chosen:

In Section I-No Names and Baby McKees; in Section II-Farmers and Dinwits.

In the final series each of these teams will play every other team, and the team winning the most games will receive the Leiter cups. The games will be played on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The announcement of fields will be made each morning as usual. The rule which requires that the score of each game be handed in at the CRIMSON office before 7 o'clock must be strictly observed.

In the scrub games played on Saturday afternoon, the Reconcentrados defeated the Spaniards 15 to 13; the Cold Hands defeated the Undertakers 13 to 8; and the Baby McKees won from the Pearlines by default; and the No Names defeated the Jumbos 15 to 5.


In the following list the nines are placed according to their present rank, while the number appended to each shows its original standing. The Kitty Dames, who ranked two in the original list, did not play any games.

Section I. Section II.

1. No Names. 1. Farmers.

6. Jumbos. 2. Notobacks.

4. Cold Hands. 4. Hollis Halls.

3. Undertakers. 7. Incognitos.

10. Baby McKees. 9. Dinwits.

5. Pearlines. 3. Woodchucks.

7. Reconcentrados. 5. Hot Tomales.

8. Spaniards. 8. Dew Drops.

9. Scrub 7-11-44. 6. Buzizzers.
