The preliminary trial for the Boylston Speaking Prizes was held in Sanders Theatre, Saturday morning. The committee of judges consisted of Professor Wendell, Mr. H. V. Abbot and Mr. C. L. Young of the English Department. The following twelve men were selected from the twenty-six who spoke, to take part in the final contest, Thursday evening: P. G. Carleton '99, E. F. Phillips '98, M. J. G. Cunniff '98, E. P. Costigan '99, F. O. White '99, E. M. Copeland '98, S. Robinson '98, R. L. Hoguet '99, H. C. Kahn '98, C. A. Wheeler '99, A. Mehlinger '99, A. J. Smith '99. In the final contest the men will speak in the above order as chosen by lot.
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Co-operative Society Bulletin.