
Official Notice.

MR. HURLBUT desires to secure candidates for a position to take charge of a gymnasium in a school for boys. Candidate should be "all-round" athlete; those prepared to teach history preferred. Apply at 5 University Hall. Hours, daily, 9-10; Mon., T., Fri., and Sat., 9-12.

ENGLISH C.- All first drafts of late forensics must be handed to Mr. Cram by May 25; all re-written work not later than June 1.

DRILL SQUADS.- Meetings will be held in the Gymnasium at 7.30 every evening except Saturday for instruction of squad leaders and others who are willing to assist in drilling. All candidates for company officers will be expected to be present at three meetings a week at least. The instruction will cover manual of arms, bayonet exercise, school of the soldier, school of the company, extended order drill and school of the batallion.

