At a meeting of the drill squad of the class of '99, the following offices of the company were elected: Captain, H. F. Wolffe; First Lieutenant, H. M. Huxley; Second Lieutenant, M. Stearns; Sergeant, A. J. Smith.
At the meeting of the 1901 drill squad it was decided to divide the class according io height into two companies A and B, the taller men constituting Company B and the shorter men Company A. The election of offices resulted as follows: Company A-Captain, B. Boss; First Lieutenant, H. W. Keene; Second Lieutenant, R. M. Brown; First Sergeant, W. A. Heilprin. Company B-Captain, P. E. Coyle; First Lieutenant, S. G. Ellis; Second Lieutenant, C. C. Brayton; First Sergeant, R. M. Brownell.
As there were hardly 25 men present at the '98 meeting, it was declded not to elect officers until today. They will be elected this morning at the Gymnasium at 9.15. It is proposed to form the companies of the four classes into a regiment. The colonel, lieutenant colonel and major will probably be appointed by the end of the week.
The belts and bayonets for the rifles now being used by the drill squads arrived from the Rock Island Arsenal yesterday and were put into immediate use.
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Rich Men and Colleges.