
Make-Up Mid-Year Exams.

The final order of make-up mid-year examinations is as follows:

Thursday, June 2-Semitic 12, Semitic 15, Latin 1, Latin 2, English 1, English 8, English 14, English 28, German C, German F, German 1c, German 2, German 2a, German 4, German 11, French 1c, French 2a, French 6c, Italian 1, History 5, History 10, History 11, Economics 6, Philosophy 3, Philosophy 5, Philosophy 16, Philosophy 18, Architecture 1a, Mathematics A, Physics 4, Chemistry 2, Chemistry 6, Geology A.

Friday, June 3-Philosophy 11.

Saturday, June 4-History 1, Philosophy 13, Philosophy 14.

Monday, June 6-French 2c, Philosophy 7, Mathematics C.


Tuesday, June 7-French 6, Philosophy 2, Economics 2.

Wednesday, June 8-Latin 10, German A, Fine Arts 3, Engineering 1b, Chemistry 4.

Thursday, June 9-Economics 11.

Friday, June 10-Philosophy 4, As tronomy 1.

Monday, June 13-English 2, French 1a, History 19.

Tuesday, June 14-Engineering 1a.

Wednesday, June 15-Latin A, German 10, Government 1, Economics 1, Philosophy 1a, Physics B, Physics 6.

Thursday, June 16-Music 1.

Friday, June 17-Chemistry 1, Engineering 11a.

Saturday, June 18-History 12.

Monday, June 20-Engineering 1c, Engineering 3b.

Tuesday, June 21-Latin B, Military Science 1.

Thursday, June 23-Greek C, English A, English 11, Economics 7, Philosophy 1b, Physics 1, Engineering 18a.
