
Interscholastic Rowing.

The preliminaries of the interscholastic four-oared races were rowed Wednesday, over the mile course from the Harvard Bridge to the Union Boat House. The first race, rowed between the Chauncy Hall School and the Mechanics Arts School, was won by Chauncy Hall. Volkmann's School won the second, handily, from English High School.

The first round was rowed yesterday. The closest race was between the Roxbury Latin crew and Noble and Greenough's, the former winning out by three feet in very good time. Cambridge High and Latin beat Brown and Nichols by a length; Boston Latin School beat Stone's School by three lengths and Chauncy Hall beat Volkmann's. The crews are of an exceptionally good quality for school crews and the races have fully rewarded the interest taken in them by the B. A. A.

The semi-finals will be today at four o'clock and the finals Saturday at five.
