

To appear in this column, notices must be left at the office before 9 p. m.

CRIMSON.- Senior Board meeting at 8.30 sharp this evening. Very important.

MOTT HAVEN team picture will be taken at Pach's at 3 o'clock this afternoon. All men who competed in Yale games be present. Bring clothes.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Concert in Sanders Theatre tonight. Dark coat; no dress suits. Be there at 7.45 sharp.

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Important rehearsal today at 4.45 in L. S. S. 1. Concert Thursday at Wellesley.

COLLEGE NINE.- Practice at 3.30.


'99 BASEBALL.- No practice today. Be at Soldiers Field at 4 Wednesday.

CONTRIBUTIONS for the June Monthly should, if possible, be sent to the secretary, 20 Grays, sometime today.

SHOOTING RANGE.- Beginning at 1.30 p. m. each day, squads of four men can shoot every twenty minutes till 4.30. Company officers will arrange squads on the following days this week: Tuesday, L. S. Co.; Wednesday, Gr. Co.; Thursday, '99 Co.; Friday, 1900 Co. Rifles and ammunition are at the range on Soldiers Field.

HASTY PUDDING CLUB.- Senior photograph will be taken behind Sever at 1.30 today.

'99 COMPANY.- The hours for company drill have been definitely fixed as follows: Every day at 4.30, except Saturdays when the company meets at 10. Mondays and Fridays at 12 for those men who can not come at 4.30.
