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The state of the undergraduate exchequer when the last month of the college year is reached, usually does not warrant any attempted assessment beyond the customary duns of omnipresent 'Varsity and class crew managers. The strait of the Weld Boat Club after the loss incurred on the day of the unfortunate races was unforsseen, however, and necessitates not only the co-operation of the club members but the help of the College at large.

It must be remembered that while requiring a club organization to preserve its existence, the Weld of late has proved itself indispensible to the rowing interests of the whole University, and calls for universal recognition and support. If proof of this is needed look at the number of men now with the 'Varsity squad who were developed entirely by their Weld training. That only those who actively participate in a sport should be interested in it to the point of contributing toward it support, is illogical. Thus the debt of the club should not rest entirely on those who use the boat house.
