UNIVERSITY DEBATING CLUB.- Members may obtain dinner tickets at 42 Matthews today before noon, or at Young's Hotel before 7.30. Members must pay for their tickets before the dinner.
BAND.- Meet in L. S. S. 1 at 7 p. m.
'99 BASEBALL.- The following men be at Soldiers Field at 3.30: Jameson, Thompson, Dibblee, Cochrane, Nowell, Holden, Jaffray, Whitbeck, Taylor, Adams Barnes, Rumery, Hall, Franklin, Carleton.
'99 COMPANY.- The hours for company drill have been definitely fixed as follows: Every day at 4.30, except Saturdays when the company meets at 10. Mondays and Fridays at 12 for those men who can not come at 4.30.
ANTHROPOLOGICAL SOCIETY.- The first meeting of the society will be held tonight at 7.30 in the Peabody Museum.
'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal Monday night. All must know new piece.
UNIVERSITY DEBATING CLUB.- Picture at 1 o'clock back of Sever.
WORCESTER Academy Club dinner at Trinity court, Saturday, at 7 p. m. Tickets may be bought at dinner, price $1.50.
SENIOR baseball picture-Slade, Ely, Bouve, Haskell, McVey, Goodridge, Davis, Kemble, Abbot, Sterling be at Pach's at 2.30 p. m. dressed for baseball picture.
Squad be on Soldiers at 3.30 p. m.
ADVOCATE.- Picture of entire board including '98 editors taken at Pach's Friday at 12.30 sharp.
SOUTHERN CLUB.- Picture will be taken this afternoon at 2 p. m. back of Sever Hall.
ALL members of the drill companies who signified their intention to shoot will be expected to shoot at least 20 rounds before the end of the term. The new cage on Soldiers Field will be open every afternoon from 1.30-5.30 for the shooting. The ammunition may be had on the range at the lowest wholesale price.
WELD BOAT CLUB.- There will be a very important meeting of the club this evening at 7.45 in Lower Mass. J. H. Perkins will speak before the club.
MORE money is needed to pay for the loving cup to be given to the cruiser Harvard. Subscriptions may be left at the Crimson office.
PHOTOGRAPH of Senior members of Hasty Pudding Club will be taken Wednesday, May 25, at 1.30 p. m., behind Sever.
EXETER CLUB.- Meeting Friday evening at 7.30 in the Ware Hall gymnasium. All be present.
NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY.- Photograph will be taken Friday at 1.20, on the back steps of Sever. All members must be present.
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Crews at New London.