
Fact and Rumor.

The Carlisle Indians will play Cornell in football, at Ithaca, Oct. 8.

A. B. Hall '99, has been elected president of the Yale Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.

White collarless sweaters and crimson scarfs will be used by the 'Varsity crew this year.

The new shell which Davy is building for the Yale 'varsity crew is 63 ft. over all, 24 in. wide, and 9 1-2 in. deep.

Professor C. F. Dunbar has resigned from the board of trustees of Phillips Exeter Academy, of which he was the president.


The members of the team of the Shooting club have been allowed to wear black caps with crossed guns worked in red on the front.

Hopkinson plays her third championship game today with Somerville High on the South End Grounds. Game is called at 3.15 o'clock.

Professor Ira N. Hollis has an interesting article in the June number of the Atlantic Monthly, entitled "The Uncertain Factors in Naval Conflict."

The new Freshman shell built by Davy has been completed and is now being used by the crew. It is built on the same lines as the '98 boat and is very stiff.
