ELIZABETH M. COTTER offers the use of her home and grounds at 10 Oxford St., for Class Day. They are suitable for a club or a private spread and are very convenient to the Yard. Next door to Foxcroft. 74 6
RATTLE has made a careful calculation that the ice in the ice house of the River-side Recreation Grounds will make two million quarts of ice cream. He has advised the management to arrange for a large supply as he thinks it will be needed.
If you want your wheel cleaned go to Newman's.
STUDENTS' EXCURSION TO EUROPE.- Limited party, conducted by Harvard graduate, starts early in July. Trip, 10 weeks. Fee, $500, all expenses. For particulars address before June 1, Dr. A. W. Weysse, M. I. T., Boston.
FALL RIVER LINE.- Pullman vestibuled express trains, leave Boston from Park Square. Steamers leave New York from Pier 18, foot of Murray street. L. H. Palmer, Agent, No. 3 Old State House, Boston.
MEN'S hand-sewed sole and heeled formerly $1.50 now $1.15. Men's nail sole and heel formerly $1.00 now 85 cts. Soles only, 25 cts. less. Other work at the same reduction. Also agent for Medford Laundry. F. H. Davis, No. 7 Boylston St. Up one flight. 67 t8
CAMBRIDGE SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST Co.- No. 1300 Mass. avenue. Excellent facilities for the storage of silver and valuables. Boxes to rent, $10 per year. Deposits received subject to check and collections made in all parts of the U. S. t
HARVARD men are looking forward with pleasantest anticipation to next Tuesday evening's performance of "The Chorus Girl" at the Boston Museum. The fact that this, the latest farcical comic opera, is from the pen of a Harvard man, Mr. Emerson Cook '93, gives a particular and special interest to the event. "The Chorus Girl" itself is unambitiously announced as "a two act combination of mirth, melody and nonsense" in which brisk, breezy dialogue, jingly "catchy" and reminiscent music are the chief elements. A star cast and a well balanced chorus are calculated to bring out all the good points of the production. Special rates are accorded to college men at Thurston's on presentation of Harvard co-operative ticket.
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Class of 1890.