
The Advocate.

The current Advocate contains four stories rather above the general average of college literature in point of literary skill. All of these have something to relate, and the interest of the reader is claimed at the very start and kept to the end. The writers do not indulge in fine writing or unusual phrases but take the sensible course of the story-teller who is interested in his plot for itself and not for the opportunity of showing his knack as a prose artist.

The longest of the tales and the most ambitious is "Little Anne" by C. S. Harper 3S. The characters in the story are very distinct and each one personally interesting. This writer understands the use of pathos, which figures largely in his second story, "Number Two Seventeen," the sad history of a convict and his too-long delayed pardon.

The normal true-to-nature style of story of which this number largely consists is the best thing that the Advocate can hope to publish.

Other contributions are: "Outside the Dance," by J. F. B.; "The Geologist," by J. A. M.; "At the 'Orange Tree'," by F. W. C. Hersey '99; and "To Him that Hath Not shall be Given," by Norton Shaw '98.
