
Special Notice.

HARVARD MEN.- Ducharme's barber shop is the only one reserved for your patronage in Cambridge. For years with Young's Hotel. Now post office block. At popular prices. Bring your razors for sharpening, etc. 2 tf

TYPEWRITING, W. E. Weaver '98, 44 College House.

THE old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf

FALL RIVER LINE.- Pullman vestibuled express trains, leave Boston from Park Square. Steamers leave New York from Pier 18, foot of Murray street. L. H. Palmer, Agent, No. 3 Old State House, Boston.

MISS POST'S School for Instruction in Dancing at Pierce Hall, Copley Square, Boston. Private lessons a specialty. Monday evenings a special class for instruction in the new dances. Office hours 9-11 a. m. daily. 1 tf


PRESCOTT HALL.- A few suites for next year; study, two bed-rooms and bath-room with outside window; gymnasium and shower, in basement; prices reduced. Apply to janitor or to Ellis and Melledge.

A LADY desires writing or typewriting to do at home. Understands copying law lectures. Terms reasonable. Remington machine. Suite 6, 15 Ellery St., Cambridge. 66 3

BOXING.- Do you want to take boxing lessons? If so there is no better man than Wm. S. Gordon, who has been appointed instructor at the Gymnasium. Lessons at Gymnasium or at rooms. Wm. S. Gordon, 74 Boylston street, Boston. 27 tf

GEO. T. MOFFATT, Stenographer. Typewriting and Manifolding. Crimson office.

PARK, Boston's Comedy Theatre.- Eugene Tompkins, Lessee and Manager. Bob Fitzsimmons Champion of the World, and Great Vaudeville Co. Popular prices. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.

A perfectly new Washburn banjo for sale very cheap. This is a great bargain and anyone wishing to secure such an instrument would do well to call at Briggs and Briggs Music Store.

STUDENTS.- Buy and Sell your College Text Books at the Harvard Book Store, 33 Brattle St. 1tf

CAMBRIDGE SAFE DEPOSIT AND TRUST Co.- No. 1300 Mass. avenue. Excellent facilities for the storage of silver and valuables. Boxes to rent, $10 per year. Deposits received subject to check and collections made in all parts of the U. S. t

MEN'S hand-sewed sole and heeled formerly $1.50 now $1.15. Men's nail sole and heel formerly $1.00 now 85 cts. Soles only, 25 cts. less. Other work at the same reduction. Also agent for Medford Laundry. F. H. Davis, No. 7 Boylston St. Up one flight. 67 t8

THE College Athlete offers liberal terms to agents in the University. We have an opening for an undergraduate with a chance to make money. Not a subscription agency. Address, 6 Beacon St., Boston.

LIGHT BATTERY A, M. V. M.- If they go into the U. S. Service may not need English Cricketing Suits this season, but L. P. Hollander and Co., who have just imported a large assortment of these goods wish to call attention of all Harvard men to them. 61 tf
