

To appear in this column, notices must be left at the office before 9 p. m.

PRINCETON DEBATE USHERS.- The following men will meet to have places assigned at Sanders this afternoon at 4 o'clock: H. F. Robinson, E. J. Green, C. Grilk, C. E. Morgan, B. H. Hayes, E. A. Waters, W. E. Dorman, G. Newhall, S. W. Fordyce, G. R. Stobbs, R. C. Bolling, G. O. Smith, W. H. Conroy, F. R. Plumb, J. E. MacCloskey, R. S. Holland, A. J. Smith, W. P. Eaton, F. Dobyns, S. B. Southworth, W. Morse, F. T. Case, W. R. Donaldson, E. Boody, S. Robinson, V. H. Smith, F. C. Sutro, M. Season good, R. Stout, S. O. Dexter.

'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 8. Concert next week.

'98 BASEBALL.- Will the following '98 men please meet in 2 Holworthy tonight at 7.30 to elect a captain for this year's team: Hayes, Bouve, Brown, Vincent, Haskell, Edmunds, Sterling and Davis.

DRUM CORPS.- Candidates will meet in L. S. S. 1 today at 3.30 sharp. Get drums and sticks at Briggs and Briggs.

FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7.00 in L. S. S.


'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Address by Dr. Frisby of the Church of the Advent, Boston, at 7 p. m. today in 17 Grays.

COLLEGE NINE.- Practice at 3.30 today.

'99 COMPANY.- Until further notice company drills will be held regularly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays at 4.30 and Saturdays at 10. The Monday and Friday hours will be announced later. All men, whether they have drilled or not, are urged to join the company at once.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 8.

NO NAMES.- Be on Soldiers Field at 3.30 sharp.
