
The Advocate.

The forthcoming number of the Advocate contains four short stories, several verses and the usual complement of editorials and College Kodaks. The verses are all unpretentious and the chief interest in the number centres in the fiction. Of the four stories the most entertaining from a college point of view is "The Surprises of Sanders" by H. P. Huntress '99. The plot is rather improbable but there is just enough surprise in it to give it justification. Strange to say the real heroine of the tale plays a very small part, and the reader is left wondering why she was introduced at all. She is certainly interesting when she does appear.

"Mackeigan's Last Hope" by R. P. Bellows '99, is skilfully written and interesting in plot. The writer leaves the ordinary path of the college story and strikes out in a road of his own. The tale is perhaps best described as a character sketch in which the main figure is shown under varying conditions. The reader's interest continually increases until the very end when the author breaks off abruptly and leaves the climax to the imagination. The effect of this style is good and places the sketch above the ordinary run of college stories.

A station yard is the scene of "A Little Railroad Difficulty" by O. D. Evans 1900. The story is well told and deals with an interesting side of railroad life. The fourth story "The Conversion of Fredericks" by M. Seasongood 1900, tells of the influence the playing of "Fair Harvard" by the college band and the marching of students had over two men men grinding for Philosophy.

The poetry consists of a "Storm Song" by C. S. Harper 3S., an anonymous poem entitled "The Tramp" and two poems by G. D. Marvin '99, "Drowning" and "Doubt."
