

Eight Lectures to be Delivered Before the University.

The Corporation have arranged for a course of eight lectures on Soldier's and Sailor's Life to be given in Sanders Theatre, on Tuesday and Friday evenings during this week and the next. The first two lectures will be given this evening at 8 o'clock and will be open to members of the University only. The course will be given as follows:

Tuesday, May 10.

Life in camp. Dr. C. M. Green, Asst. Surgeon First Corps of Cadets.

Personal care of volunteer in campaign. Dr. Herbert L. Burrell, lately Surgeon General Mass. Volunteer Militia.

Friday, May 13.


Life in Naval Reserve. Dr. F. G. Balch, lately Asst. Surgeon Naval Brigade, Mass. Volunteer Militia.

Aid to the sick and wounded. Dr. Myles Standish, Captain of Ambulance Corps, Naval Brigade, Mass. Volunteer Militia.

Tuesday, May 17.

Army life 186-65. Professor Henry P. Bowditch, Cavalry officer during the Civil War.

Navy life 1861-65. Dr. S. W. Abbott, Asst. Surgeon in the Navy during the Civil War.

Friday, May 20.

The Medical Examination. Dr. Herbert L. Burrell, lately Surgeon General Mass. Volunteer Militia.

Life in modern naval vessels. Professor Ira N. Hollis.

Enlisting. President Eliot.
