
Rowing Notes.

Several changes were made in the crews yesterday. Blake has been put in at 2 in the 'Varsity boat and Byrd, who has been obliged to give up trying for the 'Varsity, went in at 2 in the second boat.

Locke, stroke of the first Freshman boat, who was laid off for a few days, has returned. Endicott, who has been rowing bow on the first boat, has been put in at stroke on the second. Hawkins has taken his place at bow. Webster was placed at bow on the second yesterday in place of Lawrence.

The "Frank Thomson" had a trial trip yesterday. She went over the regular 1 7-8 miles course, rowed by the crews, down stream, in 8m., 45s., and up stream in 8m., 10s. This is very good time, about 15 knots an hour. The "John Harvard" could never make over 12 knots.
