
Special Notice.

SOMETHING YOU NEED! On Friday, April 8, each copy of the New York Evening Post will contain a handsome lithographed map of Cuba and the adjacent islands. Given away free with the N. Y. Evening Post. On sale early Saturday morning. 44 3

THE business of the Harvard Cycle Co. is carried on in the store of Newman the Shoeman.

NOTICE to College Men.- As I handle the agency for Cambridge for the Dayton, White, Hunter, Featherstone's Road King and Road Queen. Prices $30 to $75. A discount of 10 per cent. on any wheel we handle will be allowed to college men. All kinds of repairing done promptly, as our workshop is down stairs. Anything you need in the bicycle line we have it. Machines to rent and machines taken in trade.

NEWMAN THE SHOEMAN, Shoes and Bicycles.
