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Although Mr. Tonks seems somewhat misinformed, we are glad to publish his communication this morning because we believe his objections are of a nature it is well to anticipate before the class meeting.

When the Corporation required '97 to cut down the seating capacity 1000, to provide extra exits, to lower the flowers, and omit the wearing of football suits, they did so because they felf the exercises of the year before were held under very dangerous conditions and in themselves were objectionable. They feel that although somewhat mitigated by last year's changes, the risks of accident in so crowded and enclosed a place are still considerable. For this reason, and because they are ambitions for '98 to accept the possibilities offered for really impressive and suitable exercises, they are anxious to have the change made before they are obliged to compel it.

While by cutting down the seating capacity still more, '98 and several succeeding classes might gain the consent of the Corporation to countenance their remaining in the old location, yet the Corporation are convinced that the change is inevitable, and are of the opinion that postponements of this nature would be but a succession of wasted opportunities.

To us it seems that they are unquestionably right. Granted that the Tree is a Senior affair, the ladies, and as many of them as possible, have always been the attractive feature and in fact the raison d'etre of the exercises, and the more their number is reduced the less successful such exercises will be. If their number is reduced the other classes will begin to lose interest in the affair, and Harvard can not afford to let slip her single annual chance of getting the whole body of undergraduates together. Moreover the graduates who attend the exercises add zest to the occasion, and it is a positive fact that the uncomfortable conditions of past years have kept many away. Decreasing the number of seats would do little to obviate this objection, since with no seats at all there would hardly be adequate room for the classes and graduates. Thus for the interests of the exercises, if for no other reason, a move to the Delta is advisable.

In regard to the objection that building grand stands on the Delta would prevent the space being used the night of the Senior Dance, it is only necessary to say that as the Memorial Hall end is to be left open, the grand stands will not interfere in the least, but will add rather to the privacy of the lawn where tables are set.

