Mr. R. C. Lehmann, accompanied by Mr. H. Willis, arrived in Cambridge yesterday afternoon at about 3 o'clock and at once proceeded to the boat house where they followed the work of the different crews.
Mr. Lehmann's coming was unexpectedly early on account of a change of plans in regard to his steamer, and because the Kaiser Wilhelm made a very fast trip, reaching New York Wednesday night in time to catch the midnight train for Boston.
Yesterday was a bad day on the river as the tide was very low and a strong wind which interfered with the work of the crews was blowing. Both Mr. Lehmann and Mr. Willis followed the Junior and Freshman crews on the launch, and watched the '98 and 1900 crews set out from the float. The Freshman crew was first out, Mr. E. C. Storrow coaching. Their blade-work was poor, but their inboard work good, the slides being well controlled and all the men getting a sharp hard catch. Coming down river the Freshmen fell in with the '99 crew which had just come out and an impromptu race of about half a mile ensued. The Junior crew starting with a slight lead increased it gradually throughout, but in a second stretch which both crews rowed up stream was unable to gain much advantage. The 1900 and '98 crews went out later and rowed separately.
The Sophomore crew is rowing with great snap and life but appear to have little control, their boat stopping perceptibly between strokes. The '98 crew on the other hand not only display great keenness in their rowing but have an excellent recover and look very steady and even.
Mr. Lehmann expressed himself as pleased with the work of all the crews, speaking especially of the Freshmen, who, he said, were much farther advanced that at this time last year. For the present both Mr. Lehmann and Mr. Willis are the guests of Gen. Francis Peabody of Milton, but will soon take their old rooms in Claverly Hall.
There was no change in the make-up of the crews.
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