

The Class Day Exercises.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

The reasons, as I understand it, why the Corporation wish to make a change in the Tree Exercises are these: First, because the present site is overcrowded, and secondly, because the use of football suits and the violence of the scrimmage are offensive to the ladies present. Now it seems to me that both of these difficulties can be obviated.

In the first place, we can further cut down the number of tickets. The "Tree" is distinctly a Senior affair, and, if the tickets are so limited that none but the guests of Seniors are present, there should be enough room.

The settling of the second objection is easier. Let each Senior make a canvass of the ladies he intends to invite. If the result shows that the scrimmage is not offensive there is no reason to abolish it.

Finally, and in objection to the Delta. If that space is used it will be impossible to hold the Senior dance as it was held last year. This, indeed, was a new thing, but one that was found pleasant. It seems a pity to lose it.


