The hot water for the shower baths, which the Corporation has decided to place in the dormitories in the Yard, will be heated by steam from University Hall. An apparatus for heating the water will be placed in College HOuse this summer.
There will be one large shower bath room on the second or third floor of each entry of all the buildings, except Matthews and Holworthy, where there will be two. College House will have two in the central part of the building, on the first and second floors. In Holworthy the closets behind the stairs will be torn out to make room for the bath rooms, which open on the landings between the first and second and third and fourth floors. In the other buildings, bed-rooms or studies will be used. In the middle entry of Thayer the bath rooms will be where the coal bins are now, the coal bins being removed to the basement.
The prices of the rooms in these buildings will be raised between five and twenty-five dollars.
The persons who now occupy rooms may re-engage them for next year at the former prices. Also, those whose rooms are taken for the baths will be allowed to draw in advance for rooms at the old rates. For the college year '99-1900 the increased rentals will affect all.
The plan followed, in raising the prices, was to make an increase of $25 for double and $15 for single rooms on the same floor as the bath, and of $20 and $10 for similar rooms on other floors. This rule will not be adhered to the case of all the buildings. When the new prices go into effect the revenues derived from college buildings will be raised by about $4000. These improvements will cost about $42,000.
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