

The Class Gathering an Unqualified Success Throughout.

The Sophomore class dinner, which was held last night at the Hotel Vendome, was in all respects highly successful. The speaking on the whole was most inspiring and conducive to a democratic spirit and class unity.

In responding to the toast, "The Class," W. B. Cutting, Jr., pleaded for a greater unity of spirit among the members of the class both in college and after graduation. R. C. Bolling, representing "Debating," urged more men to participate in debating, in which 1900 was more handicapped than any other class owing to the lack of stimulus of a Yale freshman debate. The poem by R. S. Holland was by far the best effort of the evening. The personal hits were well received by the class. Besides the regular toasts, impromptu speeches were made by J. M. Glidden and N. Robinson.

The order of the toasts was as follows: Toastmaster, N. Biddle; "The Class," W. B. Cutting, Jr.; "The Crew," F. L. Higginson; "Baseball," S. W. Lewis; "The Press"; L. G. O. Smith; "Debating," R. C. Bolling; "Track Team," A. N. Rice; "Toast to the Class," E. L. Dudley; "Poem," R. S. Holland.
