We invite all members of the University to contribute to this columin, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.
The Class Day Exercises.To the Editors of the Crimson:
There are some points which do not seem to me to have been explained, either by the Class Day Committee or by your editorial, and they are, the reasons of the Corporation for wanting us to leave the old Tree and for not wanting a scrap. As I have talked over this matter a number of times with a member of the Corporation, perhaps I can express their views. In the first place they considered the scrap a brutal proceeding, one that was thoroughly inappropriate for Class Day which is a fete day when there are a crowd of ladies present. Of course it is easy to say let us not allow the ladies to be present at the Tree, but let us keep the scrap. The answer to this is that Class Day is ladies' day and that we most of us would not know what to do with our mothers and sisters while we were at the Tree. There is, however, another reason for not having the scrap. Class Day is one of the last days when the class is together, and the Tree exercises up to the singing of Fair Harvard is its cuimination. It hardly seems appropriate, on such an occasion as this, to have a lot of classmates entering intophysical competition, and to some extent losing their tempers and fighting with one another. The reason the Corporation do not want the exercises to take place around the old Tree is because the quadrangle between Harvard, Hollis and Stoughton and Holden Chapel is so small. It is said that if the seating area around the Tree had been under police regulation, we should have had to move some time ago, in order to accommodate the crowd. It really is horrid to think what might happen if the light skirts of one of the women caught fire, there would be no room for the crowd to scatter, one skirt after another would catch and the enclosure would very likely soon look more like a morgue than like a fete. We have had the Tree for a long time and have never had a fire, but every year there are a number of drunks there who insist on smoking and who might easily leave a lighted match where it could set a muslin skirt afire. That this danger is considerable, perhaps more considerable than we realize, seems possible from the fact that I have heard from several different sources of graduates, who had got very nervous on this account.
As to the advantages and disadvantages of the Delta, I can only say that when I first heard of it I disliked the place very much, but after going over to look at it, came to the conclusion that it would do very well.
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Princeton, 11; Harvard, 2.