
Special Notice.

THE College Athlete, 6 Beacon street, Boston, has three positions as football coaches to be filled for next fall; two in New England. Address the above. 58

MISS POST'S School for Instruction in Dancing at Pierce Hall, Copley Square, Boston. Private lessons a specialty. Monday evenings a special class for instruction in the new dances. Office hours 9-11 a. m. daily. 1 tf

DANA CHAMBERS.- Choice corner singles for $250. Other desirable suites for $200. First class equipments in case of fire. Best of plumbing. Handsome building. Send for circulars or call at Cambridge Savings Bank, Cambridge.

TYPEWRITING-Apply at Thurston's.

LOST.- An Astrakan collarette between 10 and 11 p. m. on the way from Pi Eta Theatre, Thursday night. A reward will be given to finder on return of same to 27 Everett street, suite 7.

