
Library Accessions.

There has recently been put on exhibition in the show cases of the College Library, an interesting manuscript receipt given in 1773 by John Singleton Copley, for fifty-six pounds paid him for the portrait of Nicholas Boylston which is now hanging in Memorial Hall. The document was presented to the College by Mr. J. H. Moriarty of Boston. Some rare Americana of colonial times-about thirty volumes in all-were bought at the sale of the Deane library in March. Most of them treat of Colonial history.

The work of arranging the unclassified books of the library is going on, and by the end of June the departments of economics, mathematics and Spanish literature will be in order. As the work goes on, corresponding changes have to be made in the card catalogue.

In conjunction with several other libraries the Harvard Library is engaged in making a subject index to the current publications of the learned societies both in this country and abroad. The list of publications to be indexed covers 185 titles and includes the works of all the important societies. The work is being done under the auspices of the Publishing Section of the American Library Association and if it proves successful, the scope of the plan will be enlarged by including perhaps government publications and works of a composite nature.
