
Special Notice.

YES, I really think Griffith's at 7 Brattle street, Harvard square, is one of the best conducted barber shops I ever saw. I always feel satisfied when I get my hair cut there. They take so much pains in trimming it to have it look just so. Of course they make a specialty of haircutting. Get Griffith to hone your razor.

TYPEWRITING, Weaver 44 College House.

COOK, the Class Day Caterer, serves Lunches, Receptions, Teas. Orders for Ices and Salads delivered in Cambridge. Estimates sent. 23-31 Avon street, Boston. Telephone 2924. 53 tf

WE have a new line of cameras of various sizes, from the Munroe Camera Co., and they are of the latest and best make. The prices are exceedingly low.

These cameras fold up in a very compact form and will fit most pockets. They are just the thing to take with you on a bicycle trip. Call and see them at Pach's Studio. 53 tf


THEY are very recherche. Drop us a postal for a free sample of Turkish Cigarettes with Harvard crest. The Walker-Rintels Drug Co., 244 Boylston street, corner Church; 128 Massachusetts avenue, corner Boylston street, Boston. t

A SPECIAL offer to the Harvard students this season. The best suit for value ever offered at twenty-five dollars. Call and examine. L. Pinkos, Tailor, 1122 Mass. Ave., Cambridge. tf

NOTICE to College Men.- As I handle the agency for Cambridge for the Dayton, White, Hunter, Featherstone's Road King and Road Queen. Prices $30 to $75. A discount of 10 per cent. on any wheel we handle will be allowed to college men. All kinds of repairing done promptly, as our workshop is down stairs. Anything you need in the bicycle line we have it. Machines to rent and machines taken in trade.

NEWMAN THE SHOEMAN, Shoes and Bicycle.THE business of the Harvard Cycle Co. is carried on in the store of Newman the Shoeman.

PARK, Boston's Comedy Theatre.- Eugene Tompkins, Lessee and Manager. Veriscope pictures of Corbett and Fitzsimmons Contest. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday.

STUDENTS.- Buy and Sell your College Text Books at the Harvard Book Store, 33 Brattle St. 1tf

TABLE board for students.- We are able to accommodate a few more students at either club or general tables. Right opposite Beck Hall, 1200 Mass. Ave. 50 6

ERNEST W. CLARK, plumber, next to Ramsden's, makes a specialty of gas fixtures, lamps, chimneys and electrical work; sells genuine Welsbach lights and will put them on at short notice. 47 9

THE old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf

HARVARD INDEX.- The price of the Harvard Index has been reduced to 25c.

PRESCOTT HALL.- A few suites for next year; study, two bed-rooms and bath-room with outside window; gymnasium and shower in basement; prices reduced. Apply to janitor or to Ellis and Melledge.

WILL member of Law School crew to whom a dark blue mackintosh with cape attached was loaned the day of the Weld races, kindly leave same at the Crimson office?

CARL A. MEAD.WILL Weld crew man who had dark blue coat marked Brokaw Bros., N. Y., thrown over him in carriage after race please return same to this office?

A perfectly new Washburn banjo for sale very cheap. This is a great bargain and anyone wishing to secure such an instrument would do well to call at Briggs and Briggs Music Store.
