CRIMSON.- Very important meeting of the whole Board today at 1.30 promptly.
FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight in 4 Appley Court a 7.30 sharp.
INCOGNITOS.- Hodskins, Curtis, Townsend, Bristol, Baker, Taylor, Munson and A. L. Carr be on Norton's Field at 3.30 sharp.
UNDERTAKERS.- Practice at 4 sharp on Norton's Field.
ADVOCATE.- During the absence of F. M. Alger, Mss. for the Advocate should be sent to J. A. Macy, 415 Putnam avenue, or left at 11 Hollis.
'VARSITY Glee and Mandolin Clubs.- Concert will be held at the Newton Club on Saturday evening.
HOT TOMALES.- Be out at 3.30. Eldridge, Eustis, Barnes, H. Ward, Drinkwater, Holt, Young, Bond, T. M. Shaw, Hall, Hildreth.
ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Meeting this evening at 8 o'clock at St. Peter's Church, corner Massachusetts avenue and Vernon street, opposite the Y. M. C. A. building.
'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 p. m. sharp. All must attend.
First Senior at 4.00.
Second Senior at 3.30.
All other candidates at 4.30.
INTERCLASS DEBABATE.- The first trial to choose the Sophomore team will be held on Thursday, April 28. Any Sophomore will be permitted to speak for five minutes on either side of the question: "Resolved, That the United States should abandon its policy of international isolation." The first Freshman trial will be held on April 29.
CONTRIBUTIONS for the May monthly must be sent to the editor-in-chief, 53 Ware Hall, by Thursday morning next.
PHI BETA KAPPA.- All men wishing keys should send in names and money as soon as possible. Keys will be ordered May 1.
UNIVERSITY DEBATING CLUB.- Members wishing to attend dinner after Princeton debate send names as soon as possible to B. R. Robinson, 14 Little's Block. Price $2.50 per plate.
Read more in News
The Freshman Nine.