
Golf Team.

The golf team defeated the Wallaston Golf Club team on the latter's links at Norfolk Downers yesterday afternoon by the close score of 15 to 9. In spite of the wet weather the ground was in good condition and some creditable scores were made. The score of the individual matches was as follows.

Harvard. Wallaston.

W. B. Cutting, Jr., 0 R. B. Porter, 1

G. M. Wheelock, 0 B. Tilton, 2

M. S. Barger, 0 E. H. Brock, 4


G. M. Sargent, 0 R. R. Freeman, 2

J. F. Curtis, 11 H. Fairbanks, 0

J. H. Choate, Jr., 3 R. Cracknell, 0

I. T. Burden, Jr., 1 G. Wright, 0

Total, 15 Total, 9
