
Fact and Rumor.

The Dartmouth nine defeated that of Phillips-Exeter yesterday by the score of 6 to 1.

M. R. Jackson has been elected captain of the U. of P. ball nine in place of M. D. Ritchie resigned.

At the last meeting of the Advocate Board, Clarence Harper 3d, Sp., was elected a regular editor.

In the annual intercollegiate whist match, held at the Knickerbocker Whist Club in New York on the 20th, the Harvard team won a decisive victory, with a score of 32 tricks plus. Yale was second with 15 plus and Princeton lost all 47. This is the fourth year Harvard has defeated Yale but it is Princeton's first appearance in the league. The Harvard eight was made up as follows: C. D. Booth 3L. and H. Endicott 1L., F. N. Morrill 1L. and C. E. Whitmore Gr., N. S. Kelly '98 and A. J. Halle '98, C. T. Robertson '98 and F. Heilig 1G.
