
D. U. Play Dress Rehearsal.

The dress rehearsal of the D. U. play, "The Shoemaker's Holliday," was held last evening in the theatre of the Pi Eta Society. Unfortunately, two of the cast, A. H. Howard '98 and J. Halliday '99 have been summoned to join their regiments, and A. R. Campbell '99 and P. B. Merrick '99 who have been obliged to take their parts places have had but tow days to learn their parts in. As these are important characters, the whole action has been to a large extent impaired. It is expected, however, that after another rehearsal today, the play will run smoothly at the first performance, Thursday evening.

G. E. Williams '99 as Simon Eyre, makes a very interesting shoemaker. J. E. McCloskey 1900, takes the part of an ingenuous maid in a natural and pleasing manner.

C. L. Bouve '99 is extremely good and R. L. Hoguet '99 acts his rather minor part in very good taste.

A summary of the play has been written by Dekker the author of the play. It is as follows: "Sir Hugh Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, had a young gentleman of his own name, his near kinsman, that loved the Lord Mayor's daughter; to prevent and cross which love, the Earl caused his kinsman to be sent as colonel of a company into France; he resigned his place to another gentleman, his friend, and came disguised like a Dutch shoemaker to the house of Simon Eyre in Tower street, who served the mayor and his household with shoes; the merriment which passed in Eyre's house; his coming to be mayor of London, Lacy's getting his love and other accidents, with two merry three-men's songs conclude the play.


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