

To appear in this column, notices must be left at the office before 9 p. m.

COLLEGE NINE.- Game with Freshmen at 2 sharp on Soldiers Field.

CAMERA CLUB.- Keys to dark room may be had at 24 Beck Hall.

FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- Practice at 2; game with College Nine.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal on Monday, at 7 p. m. All must attend. French play music must be learned. Mr. C. M. Loeffler will be present. Return all parts.

RIFLE AND REVOLVER CLUB.- Last shoot for cups at Walnut Hill today. Trains at 10, 12, and 2 o'clock.


SHOOTING CLUB.- Match with M. I. T. at 2 p. m. Dove, Mallinckrodt, Bancroft, Sanford, Dana, Blake, be on Soldiers Field at 2 o'clock sharp.

WELD 1901.- First crew and Hart row at 2.30.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Concert tonight at Mass. Yacht Club. Watch Leavitt and Peirce's for notice where to meet.
