"HARVARD INN." Cambridge, 391 Harvard street corner of Prescott. Good rooms and best table board. Location convenient for students and for friends visiting them. Transients accommodated. 50 3
ANNEX of the University Cafe.- Mr. Smith of the University Cafe has recently put on an annex and has now several club and private tables vacant. Board during vacation. 48 3
A SPECIAL offer to the Harvard students this season. The best suit for value ever offered at twenty-five dollars. Call and examine. L. Pinkos, Tailor, 1122 Mass. Ave., Cambridge. tf
NOTICE to College Men.- As I handle the agency for Cambridge for the Dayton, White, Hunter, Featherstone's Road King and Road Queen. Prices $30 to $75. A discount of 10 per cent. on any wheel we handle will be allowed to college men. All kinds of repairing done promptly, as our workshop is down stairs. Anything you need in the bicycle line we have it. Machines to rent and machines taken in trade.
NEWMAN THE SHOEMAN, Shoes and Bicycles.THE old stand at Foster's is the best place in Cambridge to get a good lunch. All kinds of temperance drinks. 7 tf
THE business of the Harvard Cycle Co. is carried on in the store of Newman the Shoeman.
ATTENTION, Co. Q.- Fancy waistcoats of woolen or wash fabrics can be supplied to the command, from $2.50 to $7.50. Stylish suits from $18 to $28. Pique waistcoats for evening wear, $4, $5, and $6. L. P. Hollander and Co., Boylston street, opp. Public Garden. 49
LOST, near the side entrance of Lower Mass., a fountain pen in a leather pencil case. Finder please return to Crimson office.
LOST.- A bunch of keys in Phil. 1b last Saturday. Finder will oblige by returning to Crimson office.
LAND AND WATER for April is just out, having finely illustrated articles on the New England Sportsmen's Show; the Chicago Athletic Club; "Training for College Athletic Teams," by Walter Christie; "Sparring," by George V. Toohey; "Chess," by Frank K. Young; "Philadelphia Horse Show," by "Rittenhouse."
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Notices.Recommended Articles
Special Notice.NEWMAN the Shoeman does the best shoe repairing that is possible to be turned out. All shoes repaired on the
Special Notice.HARVARD MEN.- Ducharme's barber shop is the only one reserved for your patronage in Cambridge. For years with Young's Hotel.
Special Notice.DANA CHAMBERS.- Choice corner singles for $250. Other desirable suites for $200. First class equipments in case of fire. Best
Special Notice.HARVARD MEN.- Ducharme's barber shop is the only one reserved for your patronage in Cambridge. For years with Young's Hotel.
Special Notice.YES, I really think Griffith's at 7 Brattle street, Harvard square, is one of the best conducted barber shops I