We believe that the class of '98 are justly to be congratulated for their action in accepting the proposal to move their afternoon Class Day exercises. At the start the proposal was opposed by many and strongly advocated by none, but slowly the feeling gained ground that the move was not an arbitrary demand of the Corporation, but one made by men who have the success of Harvard Class Days most at heart, and who wish to force their convictions on no one. Then the disadvantages of the former location became more and more apparent to an increasing number of Seniors, and while still clinging to every possibility of retaining the exercises of past years, by degrees they came also to appreciate how much larger a place in the eyes of the University, would be filled by exercises held in the Delta with its greater capacity for the accommodation of Harvard men and enthusiasts.
Thus the feeling grew until it reached culmination last evening. That the decision is for the best, we feel sure even those still opposed to the move, will grant in the end. It had to come, and like other steps which have been inevitable, will we think, prove one of progress.
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