The Freshmen defeated Hopkinson yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field in a close seven-inning game, by the score of 5 to 1. Hopkinson led by a single run, made at the beginning of the game, up to the fourth inning, when Jaynes made a two-base hit and scored through Clark's passed ball and error. In the fifth inning, the Freshmen scored three more runs, two of which were forced in, and in the sixth inning, one run on a passed ball.
Of the five hits made by the Freshmen, Jaynes secured a double and two singles, and Hall two singles. Clark and Wright each made a single for Hopkinson.
The fielding of the Freshman nine was a decided improvement over their recent work. Only two errors were made, and one of those was excusable. A neat double play was made in the first inning by Putnam, Hall and Milne. In the fifth inning, Cropley made a pretty catch, and McDonald fielded a rather difficult liner. Putnam, who was tried at second base, covered his position in good style, having one assist and seven put-outs to his credit.
Hopkinson played a sharp fielding game throughout. Ware at third made three assists and three put outs, while Ladd in center field gathered in two difficult flies.
The batting orders of the two teams follow:
Freshmen-Putnam, 2b.; Cropley, s. s.; Fincke, 3b.; Milne, c.; Jaynes, r. f.; Quincy, l. f.; Coolidge, c. f.; Hall, 1b.; McDonald, p.
Hopkinson-Clark, c.; Wood, 2b. (capt.); Ware, 3b.; Wright, s. s.; Ladd, c. f.; Shea, 1b.; Nickerson, p.; Parker, l. f.; Ennes, r. f.
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