SENIOR CREW.- Adams, DuBois, Moulton, Marvin, Wadsworth, Riggs, Cabot, Perkins, Bancroft, and Dobyns row at 4 o'clock.
Kinnicutt, Richards, Bull, Wood, Barnes, Sheafe, Flershem, Rice, and Robinson row at 3 o'clock.
Others need not report any longer at the University boat house, but they are strongly urged to present themselves as candidates for the Weld crew.
'98 WELD CREW.- All candidates be at the Weld boat house at 4.15.
WELD '99.- First crew row at 3.30 sharp; all others at 4.15.
WELD 1901 CREW.- First eight row at 5. Others row at 5.30.
1900 WELD CREW.- Morrill, Fabyan, Ayer, Talbot, Nichols, Bolling and Graham row at 3.30. All others be at boat house at 4.
FRENCH PLAY.- There will be a rehearsal of the third act in Ware Hall Gymnasium at 7.30 this evening. All men trying for parts in this act must be present.
SHAKESPEARE CLUB.- The club will meet at Beck 42 this evening at 7.30 o'clock, and read "Love's Labour Lost."
CHESS CLUB.- There will be a team match with the Boston Chess Club tonight. The following men must be at the car station at 7.15 sharp: Southard, Hewins, Fay, W. C. Arensberg, C. F. C. Arensberg, Davis, Ffoulke, Thayer, Poor, Cole, Michelson, Kahn, Hilliard and Catchings.
HARVARD ENGINEERING SOCIETY.- Meeting of civil section tonight at 2 Grays at 7.45. Mr. R. J. Forsythe will speak on the "Manufacture of Armor piercing Projectiles."
HARVARD CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The general secretary can be found in Grays 17 mornings except Tuesday 10.30-11.00, and afternoons except Saturday 2.30 3.00.
'VARSITY Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.- There will be a concert in the Boston Y. M. C. A. on Thursday, March 10. There will also be a concert in Newton on March 31.
LAMPOON.- Drawings for the Lampoon should be left with R. P. Bellows, 16 Hilton. 16 4
ANY students having old magazines or periodicals which they have done with, will confer a great favor by leaving them at the Crimson office for use by students engaged in charity work in Boston. Papers and books received are carried to poor families by student visitors. 16 4
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The Music Hall Concert.