Much interest has been developed in debating during the past week as a result of the approach of the annual Yale debate. The preliminary debates within the literary societies were held last evening to choose eight men to contest in the final contest on Friday evening. From the Cliosophic Society, R. L. Beecher '98, M. Lowrie '98, W. M. Schultz '99, and A. Easton 1900, were chosen, and from the American Whig Society, H. H. Yocum '98, W. F. M. Combs '98, A. S. Weston '99, and S. McDermott '98. R. F. Sterling '97 will represent the graduate students in this debate.
The number of candidates for the baseball team was cut down on Tuesday for the first time. Thirty-two men have been left upon the squad, eight of whom are trying for the position of pitcher. Batting and fielding practice is given the men daily in the cage. Jayne '97, pitcher on last year's team, is coaching the candidates for the position of pitcher, and Bradley '97, is expected later in the season to coach the fielders. Contrary to the custom of late years no professional coach will be engaged this spring. The schedule for the coming season has been completed, and shows a list of twenty-six games.
The dramatic club is rehearsing for the annual performance to be given this year, probably on the night of the first Harvard baseball game. The club has decided to give this year the play of "Pocahontas." The music will be under the control of the university musical organizations and a special orchestra is to be selected. The caste has not been definitely determined.
A tournament to supplement the whist tournament held last fall is to be held during this month. As a result of the tournament of last fall but two teams were selected to compete in the Intercollegiate Tournament, while according to the new arrangements for the triangular tournament, four teams must be selected.
The annual joint exhibition of the Yale-Princeton gymnastic teams will be held in the latter part of March in Princeton. There will be two or three other exhibitions by the Princeton team during the spring term in addition to the annual exhibition in the Brokaw Memorial Building on Tuesday of commencement week. The team will continue practice during the season under the direction of Mr. Goldie, who is working up some new feats on the trapeze and bars.
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The Venus of Melos.