
Springfield Conference.

At the Springfield conference on Saturday, May 14 was definitely fixed on as the date for the dual track games between Harvard and Yale on Holmes Field. It was also decided to hold the bicycle race in two preliminary heats and a final, on the Charles River track the morning before the games. In case the I. C. A. A. A. A. should separate the bicycle events from the track events next year the Dual League should also omit them.

H. S. Brooks of Yale, was elected president of the University Track Athletic Cup Association, and B. H. Hayes of Harvard, secretary and treasurer. B. H. Hayes was also elected chairman of the committee of four undergraduates, two from Harvard and two from Yale, which is to take charge of the arrangements for the games. H. S. Brooks of Yale, and J. B. Morison '83 of Harvard, were chosen as a committee to select the officials for the games, their selection to be subject to the approval of the two captains.
