Each year brings the same appeals from different committees and officers of the Senior class. The Secretary complains that men are slow and thoughtless about sending in the answered questions for their "Class Lives," the Class Committee, that the Class Fund is not receiving sufficient support, and the Photographic Committee has its annual wail about the Portfolio, and how men must keep their appointments.
One would think that some class would turn up showing itself able to come up to the scratch in these matters, after having practical object lessons from three previous classes, but as yet such has never been the case and it is growing monotonous. Why men cannot take the small amount of time and trouble necessary to comply with these little calls upon them is a question. Every man expects to make the most liberal contribution he can to his Class Fund, and every man wishes to have his picture appear in the Portfolio with those of his classmates. It would certainly seem but a small sacrifice to notify the treasurer of the amount one expects to contribute, or to keep one's photographic appointment, but it must be a great imposition, or so many worthy Seniors would not prove disobliging to the classmates they have honored with positions of responsibility.
Enough of this, however. Members of the class of '98 are not expected merely to suit their own convenience in this matter, but to accede to these small requests, and, another point, they are asked to fill out the questions for the "Class Lives" in a becoming manner. Although some of these may appear superfluous, they are the form which has been used for many years, and are necessary for the statistics in the Secretary's first Triennial Report. Compliance with this request should be considered a part of the support due one's class.
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