

Letter of M. Boissier to Asst. Professor de Sumichrast and the Cercle.

Assistant Professor de Sumichrast has received the following letter and communication for the Cercle Francais from M. Gaston Boissier the permanent secretary of the French Academy:

INSTITUT DE FRANCE. ACADEMIE FRANCAISE, PARIS, February 15, 1898. SIR:- You will are this have received a letter from the French Academy with regard to your translation of "Athalie," which you have presented to it, but the academy considered that a mere acknowledgement did not suffice to express fully its gratitude to you. It is acquainted with the services you are rendering to our tongue, and it has expressly charged me to thank you for them.

It further desires me to inform you how much it appreciates the work done so intelligently by the "Cercle Francais" of Harvard University to spread the knowledge of and taste for our great writers, and it will be greatly obliged by your expressing to the "Cercle" the gratitude of the academy.

Accept, Sir, the expression of my most distinguished sentiments.

G. BOISSIER, Permanent Secretary of the French Academy.

