
Directions from the Secretary.

By this time all men who have had any connection with the class of '98 should have received the necessary blanks and circulars from the Class Secretary. The contents of the envelope sent out should consist of (a) the blank for the "Class Lives" and an envelope for its return; (b) a postal card asking for present or proposed occupation; (c) a subscription blank and envelope to be returned to the Class Treasurer; (d) a circular giving information as to the filling out of the Class Life, the usage of the class fund, etc.

If there are any men in the class who have not received these papers, the secretary should be notified immediately. Once more it is urged that the questions asked in the Class Life Blanks be answered with all candor and accuracy. Care should also be taken in filling out the postal card and the blank for the class subscription, as several cases have occurred in which they have been returned with omissions.

