TRACK TEAM.- High jumpers at 3.30 if pleasant.
COLLEGE NINE.- Practice on Soldiers Field at 3.30.
LACROSSE.- The following men must take the strength test today without fail at the following times: 2.00, Purington; 2.06, Converse; 2.12, Harrington; 2.18, Fay; 2.24, Taylor; 2.30, Hardy; 2.36, Ring; 2.42, Dearborn; 2.48, Curley; 2.54, Moline; 3.00, Woods; 3.06, Sands; 3.12, McLaughlin; 3.18, Boutwell; 3.30, Howland; 4.00, Brookings. Practice at 4 o'clock sharp on Norton's Field.
FRESHMAN BASEBALL.- Outfielders and as many others as can be on Soldiers Field at 3 sharp.
SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. Match for the Founders Cup, Monday, April 4.
FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7.15.
WELD 1901.- First at 3.30; second at 4. J. S. Lawrence, Ivin, DuBois, Brigham, Brittin, Corbin, McConnell, Brainard, Blake, MacKay, Gilchrist and W. Lawrence be at the training table at Link's, 1200 Mass. Ave., at 8.15 this morning.
FRENCH PLAY-Rehearsal of the whole play at 4 in Brattle Hall. All men must be present.
'VARSITY Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.- Concert tonight at Newton. Special cars leave square at 7.15 promptly.
'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Important rehearsal this afternoon at 4.45 in L. S. S.
OLD CLOTHES WANTED.- Five industrious and worthy men who through misfortune are destitute and in need of clothing. Will not some student help these poor fellows with gifts of cast-off garments. Bundle may be sent to Montague Chamberlain, room 6 Quincy Hall, or will be called for.
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