
No Headline

In position, the building is to be on a line with Holworthy and behind Stoughton in such a way as to form, with Holden Chapel in the centre, a pendant to Harvard Hall, and to give a generally symmetrical arrangement to that portion of the Yard. Its position has been further emphasized by a Colonial treatment of red brick with light stone trimmings in keeping with the design of Harvard Hall and the other old brick buildings. The same height of cornice has been followed, and the feeling of the old work has been preserved as far as possible.

It has been found necessary from an architectural point of view to reconcile the building to its position by a frank treatment of the triangular space in front. This has been made into a forecourt by means of a wall on the east running to the street, and by carrying along the front a fence of iron with brick posts and an ornamental gate-way in keeping with the Harvard gates. This fence, if continued on either side in the future, will serve to reconcile the building still further to its position. The court in front is designed as a small, quiet garden to be laid out with vines and formal planting toward the street, and a stone seat against the wall at the widest part.

From the porch and front entrance to the Memorial Hall-way, one looks directly through the building onto the green between it and Holden Chapel. This is designed so that those from the Yard and from the outside may readily come together in the large meeting-room looking toward the west, or in the Assembly Hall above. To the east of the hall-way is a room to be used for occasional dinners, with a serving-room and stairway connecting with the small kitchen and other conveniences below. The remainder of the ground floor is to be devoted to the student volunteer work of the College. A memorial of Bishop Brooks and other memorial tablets are to form the simple decoration of the entrance hall.

Broad oak stairs with a landing lead from the marble mosaic floor below to the second floor where is the General Committee Room with retiring room adjoining. On either side are two society rooms 17x27 with class rooms and a library.

A second flight of stairs leads to the Assembly Hall above, whose covered ceiling is finished up into the roof. The staircase is shut off by movable screens in such manner that the seating capacity of the hall may be increased to 240. From this hall a spiral staircase leads to the lower floors, forming a secondary means of exit. At the western end, two society rooms and a bedroom complete the building. In the basement are the coat rooms, lavatories, bicycle room, etc.


A complete system of heating and ventilation laid out by Mr. Tudor, insures the most approved methods. The main floor of the building is to be fire-proof and wire lathing and fire-stops are to be used throughout the rest of the building.

In the parlor or meeting rooms oak panelled finish and deep window seats are called for, while the society rooms are to be finished in light paint to recall the old colonial buildings. This same treatment will be carried out in the Assembly Hall. Throughout the building the plaster walls are to be painted in plain harmonious color as a background for portraits and prints.

It has been the aim of the committee to make the building as lasting, convenient and serviceable as the funds at their disposal would allow.
